
And so the Living Expression became a man and lived among us! And we gazed upon the splendour of his glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father overflowing with tender mercy and truth!
John 1:14 TPT

The novel The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens begin with the words “ It was the best of times and the worst of times”.  It seems to be a phrase that pretty much sums up my 2020.  

Like everyone else, for me  2020 kicked off with great excitement.  I heard all the prophetic words spoken about the year.  It was going to be the year of “perfect, 20/20 vision”.  It turned out to be true…just not in the way I expected it to be.  This has been a strange year and I suspect this is going to be this generation’s version of “back in 2020, when people fought over toilet paper in supermarket isles, we had to stay home…”

Like many, many others I suffered loss this year.  Loved ones passes away and I attended funerals via Skype.  Milestone birthdays came and went uncelebrated.  Old friends were lost, dreams died and life as I knew it changed forever.  Who would have thought that a day would come where we couldn’t go to church, to the shop or to visit where and when we wanted to?  Travel ground to a halt as borders were shut and airlines went bust.  

Out of necessity my husband started a business and suddenly I went from being a housewife, with hours and hours to study the Word, write a book and soak in the Lord’s presence to being crazy busy, often leaving home at the crack of dawn only to return 12 hours later, too tired to speak.  I learned new skills and discovered muscles I forgot I had and I now have what’s known in this neck of the woods as a “tradie tan”…the very tanned arms tradesmen sport from spending time working outdoors, while the rest of the body is lily white, distinguishing it from someone who spends time at the beach.

But reflecting on 2020, it seems to me that they year indeed brought enlightenment.  The events that unfolded this year has been the catalyst to expose much of the heart of man.  It became clear what had been concealed for so long.  Many Christians fell away, having been given an “out”.  People started to show their true colours.  The deep fears of hearts became apparent from conversations and from social media posts.  Those who put their trust in governments and systems felt let down and angry.  House after house of cards fell.  

As my life had changed dramatically, I had to find a new way of being.  Suddenly I felt guilty for not spending enough time with the Lord, not reading enough, not studying enough, not praying enough.  When a Christian sister rebuked me for not coming to the Wednesday night prayer meetings at church because we were keeping odd hours, often returning home very late, by saying I should be putting the Lord first, I started to question my priorities.  

It was then I was reminded that I was called to be salt and light.  Jesus became a man, dwelt with us and showed us how.  I began to understand Emmanuel, God with us, God with me, in a way I hadn’t before.  I don’t have to put aside time to be with Him, He is always with me.  Where I go, Jesus goes.  Where I turn up, Holy Spirit turns up.  I go into people’s homes and atmospheres change because of our presence there.  I may not turn up to prayer meetings but I pray for people, usually without words.  My husband and I have the privilege of going into people’s homes and bringing Light with us.  Daily I get to produce more and more fruit of the spirit and often times I get confronted with the deeply hidden darkness that resides in the hearts of men, mine included. It’s then I am remember again and again how much this world needs Jesus…how much I need Jesus.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let’s remember Emmanuel, God with us.  Let’s not get sidetracked by whether it’s a pagan feast or not, whether it’s right or wrong to celebrate Christmas, whether it’s the right or the wrong date.  You do what your conscience dictate but however you choose to spend Christmas remember Jesus, who dwells with us, and in us.    In the midst of chaos, when nothing is as it was one thing remains…Jesus, Steadfast and True, Victorious, our Living Hope.  May love, peace and joy be your portion this Christmas and remain yours forever more.